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Why Do We have Wisdom Teeth Removed?


Wisdom teeth are the molars which sit furthest back in the mouth. They do not usually begin to emerge until at least age seventeen, and sometimes do not appear until as late as age twenty-five.

Wisdom teeth were once utilized for chewing and consuming hard to eat foods. They were tools our great ancestors used every day. Since wisdom teeth took a lot of pressure and wear and tear off the remaining teeth, they were necessary for health and survival. Today, with the aids of utensils and food preparation, wisdom teeth have essentially become obsolete.

As human beings have developed, our jaws have also become much smaller over time. This fact, combined with changes in what we eat and how we prepare food, has led to the frequent removal of wisdom teeth.

Often, as wisdom teeth start to emerge, they can shift, come in at the wrong direction, become impacted and cause infection, or partially erupt and slowly gather decay. Once wisdom teeth start to cause discomfort, it is important to visit your dentist and have them looked at before an infection can occur. Sometimes, even if a patient is not experiencing symptoms, wisdom teeth can still lead to problems down the road or harbor disease without the patient realizing it.

The Process

When you arrive at the dental office or clinic for your extraction, you can typically expect the procedure to be completed in one visit. Your dentist or oral surgeon will administer anesthesia. Then, they will make an incision in the gum tissue. Once the incision has exposed bone and underlying portions of the tooth, your dentist will remove any bone that inhibits them from reaching the root.

Your dentist or oral surgeon will then remove the tooth, either in sections or whole, before thoroughly cleaning the area. Sometimes, the extraction site will then be stitched closed to promote faster healing. In order to control and stop the bleeding, gauze will be placed over the site and must be kept in place for at least half an hour to help your body form a blood clot.

Schumer Family Dental Care

If you are looking for a reliable dentist to perform wisdom tooth removal, or you are wondering if the procedure is right for you, contact Schumer Family Dental Care today. We are your trusted Schumer Family Dental Care.

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901 Biesterfield Rd. Suite 111

Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

P:    847-439-1371

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